Poaching eggs can give even the most experienced cook anxiety. Will the eggs stick to the bottom of the pot? Will I break a yolk? Will they all run together? How can I tell when they are done? On top of it all, because it takes a little bit of time to gently crack each egg and lower it into the simmering water, they aren't always done at the same time. With all this in mind, we set out to crack (ha!) the code. By putting the eggs in before the hot water, they hold their shape and cook at the same time. This method works as well for 2 eggs as it does for 8, so if you are thinking of making eggs benedict for the fam this weekend, this will take the worry out.
- Put the vinegar in a small or medium saucepan (depending on how many eggs you are making). Gently crack the eggs into the vinegar. Holding the saucepan handle, rock or swirl the pot gently so the vinegar redistributes between the eggs. This will help start the coagulation of the whites.
- Bring a teakettle filled with water to a boil and then gently pour the water down the inside side of the pan until you have enough water to covering the eggs by about 2 inches.
- Cover and set a timer for 5 minutes. This will help set the eggs. Uncover, turn the heat on high and quickly bring to a boil. As soon as the water is boiling, turn off the heat. Push any foam that has risen to the top to the side and immediately remove the eggs with a slotted spoon. The whites will be set but the yolk will still be runny. For harder cooked eggs, boil for another 1 to 2 minutes.
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