Home-Smoked Wild Alaska Pacific Cod Risotto


A creamy risotto that's the perfect supper for those chilly evenings.

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Cod Recipes
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1. Gently fry the onion and garlic in 3 tbsp olive oil.

2. Stir in the saffron, followed by the rice and stir to coat. Cook until the rice turns translucent.

3. Gradually stir in the wine, then half the fish stock, a ladle at a time, stirring continuously until the liquid has been absorbed.

4. Stir in the leeks and 150g smoked cod flakes, followed by enough fish stock to give al dente rice and a creamy consistency.

5. Gently stir through the Parmesan, crème fraÎche and lemon zest, and season well to taste.

6. Serve the risotto with flakes of smoked cod, a drizzle of olive oil, lemon zest and cracked black pepper, along with plenty of pan-fried king prawns and griddled asparagus spears.

Cook’s tip: Make sure you keep an eye on the risotto - keep stirring to avoid the rice sticking to the bottom of the pan!

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