Hawaiian Recipes

18 recipes

Featured Hawaiian Recipes

There are so many great Hawaiian recipes out there. But which ones are the best? Here's a selection of our favourites:

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Guy Learns How To Make Hawaiian Shave Ice & A Poke Bowl | Guy Hawaiian Style

Guy Fieri and his sons visit Hawaii's beloved Tobi's Shave Ice & Poke joint. They're treated with refreshing shave ice, and they also get to try a delicious, fresh bowl of poke!

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A fallback image for Food Network UKA fallback image for Food Network UK

Delightful Hawaiian Dishes

Whether you're looking for simple Hawaiian recipes or something more elaborate, we've got you covered.
Break out the Big Island flavours with this collection of Hawaiian food recipes, and there’s not a ham and pineapple pizza in sight! Influenced by the incredible culinary cultures of America, China, Japan, Puerto Rico and Portugal, our Hawaiian dishes are a mouthwatering medley of fantastic flavours. The famous island ahi burgers with coriander-chilli-lime sauce, or laulau - a traditional dish of butterfish and either pork, chicken or beef wrapped in ti and lu’au leaves - are deliciously authentic Hawaiian dishes. If you’ve got a sweet tooth, sinfully sticky custard cake with caramelised pineapple is a decadent end to any meal. Say ‘aloha’ to a treasure trove of tantalising tastes with these Hawaiian recipes.