Minestrone Magic: Hearty Italian Soup Recipes

32 recipes

Featured Italian Soup Recipes

There are so many great Italian soup recipes out there. But which ones are the best? Here's a selection of our favourites:

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Michelin-Starred Chef Angela Hartnett Makes An Authentic Anellini In Brodo | My Greatest Dishes

Michelin-starred chef, Angela Hartnett, is known for her Italian recipes. One of her favourite ones is the anellini in brodo.

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Sensational Italian Soup Recipes

Whether you're looking for simple Italian soup recipes or something more elaborate, we've got you covered.
There are few things in life better than a hearty bowl of soup and a hunk of crusty bread, and for la dolce vita, try our Italian soup ideas. Minestrone with rice and beans is a time-honoured classic, and for irresistible Italian soup dishes from the busy city streets and quaint countryside villages, try a chunky chicken and gnocchi, a silky-smooth creamy artichoke, or a scrumptious sausage, white bean and tortellini soup. Roasted asparagus soup with sun-dried tomatoes and Parmesan croutons is a delectable delight, and an Italian wedding soup known as minestra maritata, or ‘married soup’, is all about the ‘marriage’ of ingredients. These Italian soup recipes are broth-takingly good!