Seen and Gone: Bean Lunch Ideas

105 recipes

Ainsley Returns To His Roots By Cooking An Oxtail With Butter Beans | Ainsley's Caribbean Kitchen

Ainsley is in Jamaica, the land of his ancestors, and the first recipe that he wants to make is a take on his mum's dish: oxtail with butter beans stew.

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A fallback image for Food Network UKA fallback image for Food Network UK

Brilliant Bean Lunch Ideas

Whether you're looking for simple bean lunch recipes or something more elaborate, we've got you covered.
While bean-filled jackets are joyous, our mouthwatering collection of bean lunch ideas go way beyond the simple spud! Try our wonderful winter warmers, including a cannellini bean soup with kale and garlic-olive oil crostini, or a rustic ribollita - a traditional Tuscan bread soup packed full of veg and potatoes! If you’re looking for bean lunch dishes with a twist, how about griddled salmon steaks with chipotle-ponzu sauce and grilled French beans, three-bean soup with turkey meatballs, or classic spicy veggie bean burgers. And for a tasty trip down Mexico way, a hearty slow-cooker taco soup is seriously scrumptious. If you’ve bean looking for awesome bean lunch recipes, look no further!