Italian Starter Recipes

239 recipes

Italian Starters Traditional Bites

When it comes to flavourful starters, Italy’s in a league of its own. Italians know how to pack a punch when it comes to flavour, and that same intensity can be found in their starters. From the classic bruschetta to innovative lighter fare, there's something for everyone to enjoy. 

These dishes are designed to tantalise the taste buds and prepare the way for a delicious meal. Among the most popular Italian starters include Bruschetta, Caprese salad, Carpaccio, and Crostini. If you’re looking for something a little heartier, there are also a number of soups and salads that make for a great way to kick off a meal. 

In this Italian starters collection, we’ll share with you our top Italian starter recipes that are bound to impress any guest!

Featured Italian Starter Recipes

There are so many great Italian starter recipes out there. But which ones are the best? Here's a selection of our favourites:

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Sophie Cooks Authentic & Rustic Italian Stuffed Aubergines | Sophie Grigson: Slice of Italy

Sophie Grigson has moved to Puglia, right on the heel of the Italian boot, and gets to enjoy an authentic stuffed aubergine recipe with her Italian neighbour before making a light lunch ahead of siesta time.

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A fallback image for Food Network UKA fallback image for Food Network UK

Traditional Italian Starter Dishes

Whether you're looking for a simple Italian starter recipe or something more elaborate, we've got you covered.
Italy is well-known for its delicious food. Indeed, Italian cuisine is one of the most popular and recognizable cuisines in the world. The foods of Italy are celebrated for their simplicity, and many Italian starter dishes are based on traditional recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. And when it comes to starters, Italy certainly knows how to do them right. From the iconic bruschetta to lighter fare like Caprese salad, there's an Italian appetiser for everyone. No matter what your plans are for the main course, you can be sure that these easy Italian starter dishes will set the tone for a truly memorable meal.